Friday, May 21, 2010

Small Big eater's secret

In Japan, there are many small sized but big eaters.

One of the most famous food fighters in the US is Takeru Kobayahi, Japanese guy, a member of the International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE). He held the world record for hot dog eating for nearly six years, and holds several other eating records, and is ranked second in the world for competitive eating according to the International Federation of Competitive Eating.

This gal is another food fighter. She is so skinny.

By the way, what is such food fighters' secret?

In regular people, after starting eating, satiety center is stimulated, and  blood sugar level is elevated.
But their satiety center is not stimulated, and blood sugar level is still low, which means they are still hungry.

Food taken goes into stomach, intestine, and taken out as feces, so quickly. She does feces 6-7 times per day!!!

In her feces, 2-4 times more bifidus than regular people was found. 

brown fat cell  is cell to burn energy. When you feel cold, your brown fat cell starts burning energy to increase heat. In her case, while eating, her brown fat cell increases very highly.

How can we copy such brown fat cell function?

Train your brown fat cell, by repeating cold and hot shower! 

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