Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shampoo with gloves- or your hands will age

Some wear gloves when shampooing hair.


Because, shampoo is a detergent, which rinses away natural oils on the back of the hands. The more detergent you use, the more natural oils are rinsed away, to cause dry, wrinkled hands.

Hands show age!

Also, forget using hand soap after toilet. Just water washing is fine, unless you touch some very dirty stuff. Regular water is good enough to rinse away bacteria in toilet.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Kaatsu training

found interesting article Kaatsu training. (occlusion training" and "blood flow restricted exercise)

The Sri Lanka government is introducing this training to public in Sri Lanka.

I am doing this kaatsu training 2 times every week!

Monday, December 20, 2010

How well does that hat block dangerous UV rays?

Interesting chart about UV block methods! The bars show how much UV comes into eyes.

The chart shows which UV block method blocks the most harmful UV rays
(The left) If you are wearing nothing, you get 100% UV.
If you wear sun visor, UV is 90% blocked!
If you wear sun block clear hat, UV is 80% blocked.
If you wear ball cap, 70% is blocked.
If you wear bucket hat, 40% is blocked.
If you wear straw hat, only 10% is blocked.  The problem is it's the most stylish.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Japanese plums on elbows (anti-aging)

If you do not care for your elbows, you might find wrinkled Japanese plums on there!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wrinkled Ladies, Should seek Japanese Secrets for anti-aging

I found very, very funny movie. This is too funny to be true!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Japanese high tech toilet!

Japanese toilet is also known as the high tech toilet.

Did you know that even hollywood stars enjoy TOTO's bidet (small shower)?

It measures
- glucose in urine
- blood pressure
- body fat %
- weight (BMI)
- urine temperature


Check out this movie! (Please click the below URL instead of the screen.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

How to make SUKIYAKI

Ingredients for Sukiyaki (3 People)

- Sukiyaki Sauce -
100ml Sake (2/5 u.s. cup)
50ml Mirin - A Type Of Sweet Rice Wine (1/5 u.s. cup)
50ml Soy Sauce (1/5 u.s. cups)
2 tbsp Sugar


Chinese Cabbage
Negi - Welsh Onion
Shungiku - Edible Chrysanthemum
Shiitake Mushrooms
Enokitake Mushrooms

Seared Firm Tofu
Ito Konnyaku - Konjac Cut Into Noodle-like Strips

Friday, December 3, 2010

Eating Order for Anti-aging

In addition to what you eat, the ORDER you eat it, is also important for anti-aging.

Too much sugar (carbs) increases insulin and cause it to spike. This is called glycation (Glycemic Index). Protein mixes with sugars to become glycated protein. This is one of the reasons of aging.

In order to reduce glycation, you should eat in this order.

1. Vegetables (ideally raw veggies) or seaweed

2. Proteins

3. Carbohydrates

Why is that?

- By eating vegetables first, the veggie's fiber becomes bigger with water in your stomach, making you feel full more quickly. This helps you eat less.

- Vegetables force you to chew more, which leads you feel full more quickly too.

- Raw vegetables, have a digestive enzyme, which aides in the digestion of proteins, which is a good reason to eat after the veggies.

- If your stomach has vegetable fiber already, carbohydrates, which you eat after veggies and proteins, gets covered with this fiber,and slows down speed of transportation of the sugar into blood. This helps slow down insulin spike.

- Protein is hard to digest in general, so if you eat protein first, the protein stays in stomach too long. This forces other food to stay in stomach too long too, and slows down digestion of all the food.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Seaweed Salad (Japanese Diet, secrets for healthy life)

Seaweed, Wakame in Japanese, has various types. These types of seaweed are in my kitchen, which are available in the US.

Today, I use dried seaweed. It is easily available at Asian super markets or even regular American super markets, like Whole Foods. 
Let's make seaweed salad which is very easy and healthy!

Prepare several vegetables, your choice.

Boil or steam vegetables as needed.

Put the dry seaweed in water for a few minutes.

Drain the vegetables & seaweed

Mix together.

Add more vegetables, as you like. 
That's it! 
Top with your favorite dressing or oil and enjoy it!